
Taking the Fear out of Transition



Collaboration Station offers a two-year transition program led by instructors who have worked with individuals with disabilities for over twenty years. Each instructor holds a Master's Degree and expertise in specific areas such as instruction and vocational training. Collaboration Station believes that every individual has something to contribute to this world. We aim to help individuals develop interpersonal, vocational, and academic skills through job training. Our program combines on-site job training and weekly, small group classes to increase independence and discuss vital skill sets needed for competitive employment. 

Internships play a crucial role in preparing our students for the workforce. They provide practical, hands-on experience that helps develop the skills needed for job retention and success. Each internship and classroom lesson serves as a stepping stone towards achieving independence, enabling our students to thrive in the workforce. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that each individual finds a job they are satisfied with and has the opportunity to grow and excel, both as employees and as individuals. It is essential to recognize that since most of an adult's life is spent working, job satisfaction plays a significant role in overall happiness.

My child graduated High School but is not ready to work. Now what?


On-Site Job Training with a Job Coach

The clinical team will supervise and provide professional guidance throughout the program. The team will also work closely with community businesses to develop a comprehensive vocational program to obtain competitive employment.

Vocational Class

Small group instruction focusing on resume writing, interview skills, development of communication skills, soft skills, conflict-resolution skills, money management, technology, safety, transportation, and travel training. Our attention is focused on skill acquisition and personal development with ongoing assessment of mastery and continued need. Our program is designed to deliver effective strategies to individuals of varied abilities. Our classroom instruction is constantly modified to fit the needs of the participants. We provide a team of well-educated and licensed professionals. Each employee brings unique skills and knowledge, creating a platform for innovation and growth. Collaboration Station ensures that person-centered planning and proper support are always in place to achieve every participant's valued outcomes effectively.

  • Vocational assessments 
  • Person-centered planning
  • Individualized goals 
  • Two-year curriculum 

All applicants must possess the necessary skills to navigate the community safely, whether finding their way around buildings, using transportation services, or understanding emergency procedures. Additionally, they must demonstrate the ability to exercise safety skills in unsupervised settings, make responsible choices, and follow guidelines to ensure their well-being. Independence in caring for personal hygiene needs is another crucial requirement, as students must be proactive in maintaining their cleanliness and health. Furthermore, applicants should be able to transition between academic and nonacademic settings smoothly, adapting to different environments, expectations, and social dynamics. Lastly, actively engaging in instructional settings is vital, as students must participate, ask questions, and contribute meaningfully to the learning process.

Support staff can attend if participants require additional support. 

  • Applicants must have graduated or exited high school. 
  • Applicants must have self-direction through OPWDD. 
  • Applicants must complete the enrollment application and submit all required documentation.

Application and Admission:

All applications will be reviewed promptly, and potential candidates will be invited for an interview before final selection.

Our simple review and intake process follows these four steps:

1. Initial Phone Call 2. Collection of Documentation 3. Assessment Meeting 4. Final Interview
Our team will guide you through the process, inform you about our services, and ensure our program is a fit for your family.Our program mandates that we collect specific information prior to moving forward.We schedule an assessment with one of our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs).Potential candidates will be invited for an interview before final selection. After approval, services can start immediately.

From the initial phone call or online inquiry, you will have a seamless experience that starts with meeting us and learning about our program to ensure it is the right fit for your child and your family.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Class One 10:00AM - 11:30AMInternship (2 hours)
Class Two 11:45AM - 1:15PM

Program Features:

The program will meet twice a week for two years. 

Tuesdays will consist of classroom instruction. 

Small group instruction is a versatile teaching approach that empowers instructors to customize lessons according to individual student requirements and capabilities. This method considers various factors, including students' academic ability, interests, and learning preferences. By engaging in small group settings, learners are provided with focused attention, targeted support, and an environment conducive to interactive learning experiences, fostering a sense of support and engagement in their learning journey. Our instructors may use various instructional strategies, including direct instruction, guided practice, hands-on activities, discussions, and collaborative projects, depending on the lesson's goals and the students' needs.

Thursdays will consist of a two-hour internship

A person-centered internship focuses on the individual growth and development of the intern, placing the intern's needs, interests, and goals at the forefront of the experience. This approach prioritizes the intern's personal and professional development, aiming to provide a supportive environment where they can explore their interests, build skills, and achieve their goals.

Does your child need more vocational training to prepare them for the workforce?

What does Collaboration Station value?

We believe that every individual has something to contribute to this world. We are here to help develop life skills through job training. This two-year work program combines on-site job training and weekly, small group sessions to review the work week, address any issues, and celebrate any achievements.


Collaboration Station is not funded by Acces-VR, IDEA, or any other funding sources.

Program Tuition:  $9,600.00 per year.